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Right to reimbursement after one year

Reclaim the rental deposit after one year even without the landlord's consent!

In Switzerland, the rental deposit serves as security for the landlord to cover potential damages or outstanding rent. It is usually deposited in a blocked account.

According to Swiss tenancy law, the tenant is entitled to reclaim the rental deposit after one year, provided that no proceedings have been initiated by the landlord.

After one year, tenants have the right to arrange repayment of the rent deposit themselves. To do this, they should compile the documents proving that the tenancy ended one year ago. With these documents, they can contact the bank directly to request payment of the rental deposit. This step is possible even if the landlord has not given their consent.

As a tenant in Switzerland, it is crucial that you know your rights and actively stand up for them

Reference: Tenants Association


Tenants can reclaim their rental deposit after one year even without the landlord's consent.