Der 1.
Mietdepot Marktplatz der Schweiz!
Seit 3.7.2023

Rental deposits that work

The independent marketplace -
blocked accounts, guarantees and investments

Unsere Finanzpartner

As featured in

Zinsli creates freedom

We give you back time by standardizing and digitizing the rental deposit process. We give your tenants more choices for placing their their deposits.

Try it now

We are the marketplace for financial service providers, to make every rental deposit hardworking.

Set up a rental deposit in one step.


Fill out deposit application on Zinsli.

Watch Zinsli do the rest.


We contact the tenants.


We monitor the receipt of payment and send confirmations to both parties.


We accompany the opening and deposit process.


At the end of the rental period, once it is released by the landlord, we unlock the rental deposit.


We make sure the tenant continues the process and picks one of the available products.

Screenshot des Depot Eröffnungsprozesses


We would be happy to show you our platform in a one-on-one call.

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App Screenshot Dashboard

It's that simple

Create a rental deposit in less than 2 minutes.

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Zinsli pays off.

The people interested in modernizing the rental deposit.

Behind Zinsli is a well-coordinated team that has already realized many projects together. Together, we have over 100 years of experience in the field of digital products. What we tackle, we see through to successful implementation.

Denis Huber
Software Architect
Senior Developer
Jahre Berufserfahrung

Seine Freunde nennen ihn nur noch «den Zinsler». Denn der Softwarearchitekt hat sich mit Haut und Haaren der Entwicklung von verschrieben. Dabei reizt ihn nicht nur die Idee, ein «totes» Mietdepot in ein attraktives Investitionsmodell zu verwandeln, sondern auch die Langfristigkeit des Projektes.

Marc van Nuffel
Jahre Berufserfahrung

Marc van Nuffel ist ein kreativer Ideenlieferant, der stets nach Verbesserungen und Perfektion strebt und gerne im Team arbeitet. Er legt Wert auf Fairness, Transparenz und klare Kommunikation. Zusammen mit seiner Familie lebt er in einer Villa, die an Pippi Langstrumpf erinnert, in Zürich-Wollishofen. Seine Hobbys sind Segeln, Motorradfahren, Kochen, Tüfteln an Technik-Basteleien aller Art und Tanzen auf Partys.

Lynn Suter
Chief Product Officer
Solution Architect
Jahre Berufserfahrung

Die Physikerin ist über Teleskopbau und Netzwerksicherheit in die IT-Branche gekommen. Sie findet es spannend, ein Produkt von Grund auf zu definieren und in einem starken Team umzusetzen. Darum ist sie bei Und auch, weil sie die herkömmlichen Mietdepots unzeitgemäss findet. Zu ihren Talenten gehört es, grosse Ideen greifbar zu machen und die Sterne auf den Boden zu holen.

Gabriel Anliker
Strategic UX Designer
CX Designer
Jahre Berufserfahrung

Sein Werdegang liest sich wie ein Film: Kartograf, Barkeeper, DJ, Frontend Developer, UX Designer uvm. Während er mit Nick Cave im Kopfhörer neue Produkte entwickelt, träumt er davon, irgendwann Alpakas zu züchten. Doch bis dahin will er mit seinen digitalen Skills die Welt ein wenig einfacher machen. So wie mit Ganz nach dem Motto: Weniger Aufwand heisst mehr Freiheit.

Till Hagger
Software Architect
Senior Developer
Jahre Berufserfahrung

Till ist zum Entwickler geboren. Am liebsten wäre er Game Developer, aber zuerst muss er sich um die ernsten Probleme der Welt kümmern. Wie zum Beispiel dem Entstauben des jahrhundertalten Mietdepots. Wenn er sich einer komplexen Aufgabe gegenübersieht, kann er auf Roboter umschalten und zwanzig Stunden durcharbeiten, bis die Lösung steht. Als Kraftstoff braucht er dazu Yuzu-Cashew Kartoffelsalat.

Start for free now.

Simplify your work by switchung your rental deposits to Zinsli. Completly free of charge!

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Screenshot des Registrierungsprozesses in der App

Our current service partners


Is Zinsli a bank? Where is my money?

No, Zinsli Finance AG is not a bank. We are a platform that provides landlord and tenant with various options for investing and managing rental deposits. The deposit is deposited directly with a financial partner. The money always flows directly from tenant to the financial partner and never via Zinsli.

What investment products can I find on Zinsli?

As an independent platform, one of the aims of is to provide users with a marketplace with the widest possible choice of investment opportunities and financial partners. The offer includes the traditional blocked account from different providers, because the conditions vary even for this "standard product" between the providers. The selection of products is constantly being expanded and will eventually include funds from various financial partners (banks), and alternative investment options, such as precious metals.

The landlord decides which investment products are available to the tenants.

An invested sum can increase in value, but it can also decrease. What does this mean for me as a landlord?

It is true, that for an investment with a potential gain there is also a possibility of a loss in value. The rental deposit serves to give the landlord a security. Should there be damage to the rental property or should rental payments be missed, the full liability for these defects remains with the tenant, regardless of the value of the deposited deposit. (The tenant may also choose to pay for these defects with money from another account or have the damages covered by the rental insurance).

Since a rental deposit is an agreement between two parties, the tenant and the landlord, both parties must agree on how the deposit is invested. We leave it up to the landlord to decide whether and which investment options tenants can choose from.

As a landlord, why should I use Zinsli?

Today, tenants can open their rental deposit account at any bank or obtain a rental deposit guarantee (deposit insurance) from a large number of providers. This means countless contacts and processes for the landlord, be it opening or closing the deposit. In addition, many of these providers still work with paper and physical signatures.

Zinsli simplifies everything. We offer landlords a single, digital process for opening and closing the rental deposit, and at the same time we give tenants the choice of rental deposit account providers. The processes are 100% digital for landlords, which avoids unnecessary delays through snail mail and coordination efforts for collecting the  required signatures.

A simple invitation to Zinsli for the tenant is all it takes,  Zinsli takes care of the rest. We send reminders and notifications, make sure that the deposit is locked for the duration of the lease, and give the landlords and tenants view access to the account at any time.

As a landlord, can I try the platform with just a few tenants?

Sure. The platform can be used as a standalone solution or integrated into an existing management tool via an interface (API). We would be happy to discuss with you how a proof-of-concept with a smaller number of tenants could look like. Contact us via email or book a short appointment slot on our website.

How much does it cost to use the platform?

Nothing! Landlords and tenants can use the Zinsli platform free of charge.

There may be fees for the holders of the rental deposit account charged directly with the offer partners. That is, the tenants pay fees to the financial partners directly, depending on the product that they choose for their deposit.

Zinsli Finance AG, as the operator of Zinsli, charges a fee for the provision of its services to the providers that are affiliated with Zinsli. This serves to continuously optimize quality and performance and to maintain a high standard.